Things that have made me laugh or cry lately

Things that have made me laugh or cry lately

Black clay dust on my floor. 

A half-finished bowl of noodle soup that peeks through the lace curtains of a Thai massage parlour. The chopstick splayed over the porcelain.

A fuzzy recording of a conversation between a journalist and an ISIS recruit. The lulls in the discussion.

The harsh judgment of early May sunshine.

Myanmar on my phone.

The promise of a real story.

Endless, blanket boredom that stains entire days.

A bleeding knee.

Tracing a wild route through the Balkans and imagining what buildings in Pristina look like.

Making eyes at someone across the bar.

Unwanted text messages in the morning, in the afternoon and in the middle of the night. 

Fog hanging above the sea in the morning.

Out of Office auto-reply

Out of Office auto-reply

Postcards from Europe

Postcards from Europe